Secure, monitor and control virtually every door, lockers, cabinets and endpoints in your buildings against unauthorized access, protecting staff, visitors, assets and data without compromising accessibility. Our solutions track users throughout buildings, monitor doors and trigger alarms on infractions, check electronic escutcheons network for maintenance needs, configure and make changes to the electronic escutcheons network with respect to remote emergency opening and locking, delete users and keycards remotely and in real-time. We support both small and large access control projects in commercial, hospitality, healthcare, government, leisure and entertainment, education, etc. Our solutions adopt open architecture and standardized interfaces which allow seamless integration with various video, alarm, security and building management systems.
Door Locks
Our RFID-enabled access tag and mobile phone makes traditional key access a thing of the past. We can design access control such that tag and mobile phones can trigger a lock within seconds so patrons can gain access easily according to access rights assigned to them. Simply assign a tag / credentials and define when and which access points a tag/ mobile phone holder can access. Lost tags/mobile phones are inevitable, simply block and assign a new tag or access rights. The solution allows building owner to even receive a notification if someone tries to enter with a blocked credential
Locker Locks
Our electronic locker locks are designed to provide a high level of security protection and control access to a wide range of lockers, cupboards, display cabinets, boxes, cases, including securing different types of lockers in dressing rooms of football clubs, hostels, and offices.
Gate Control
Our solution helps validate who has access into building infrastructure, car park, bus, train, cinema, stadium, parking lot, estates and other facilities entrances. You can use this technology to validate / authenticate payments for use of facility, count traffic and prevent fraudulent actions.
End-Point Security
Institutions can secure persistent connection to all of their endpoints ( computing devices, data and applications) so they have the insights needed to assess risk and apply remote security measures to protect each computing device- laptop, tablet, iPad, smartphone, desktop computer and the sensitive data and application stored in them. Recover stolen or misplaced mobile devices anywhere they are hidden in the world. If data and / or application in any are erased or reset to factory mode, our persistent solution can reinstall to original status before it was stolen,